Jake Dore



  • Head of Prague in 8+ with Hungarian Club Competed at my first champs in the 1x Skibbereen Regatta in 4+ and 8+

My Story 

I started rowing in my first year of college to try something new. I played rugby for UL alongside it, helping my team get to, and win, the SSI All Ireland final that year. I got injured in February and took 7 months out to return to rowing and commit to it as my only sport. Since then I have been given the opportunity to improve and learn from my more experienced coaches and team mates to put myself in a position to compete for seats.


Rowing (obviously), cycling, rugby, motorbikes, travel and overpriced coffee.


Win a pot before I graduate.

Break 6:30 and lower.

Put myself in a position to compete for an Irish jersey.